Tag: article
How to Make Bar Chords Easier on Guitar
Bar chords are one of the trickiest techniques to get correct on the guitar. Here are a few strategies to make them easier.
Free Course: The Fundamentals of Playing Guitar
If you are new to playing guitar, or just looking to revisit the fundamentals, you’ve come to the right place. This course is entirely free and I plan to release the videos one by one over the next few weeks. I’ll review technique, music and TABs, tuning, and more. It’s a lot of work and…
3 Strategies to Overcome Nerves When Playing Guitar for Others
Playing guitar in front of others can turn our fingers into noodles. This is called performance anxiety or nerves. It influences every guitarist, whether they are amateur or professional. If you have experienced this, you are not alone. There are a few different strategies that we can use to overcome nerves. We’ll get to a…
How to Play Hammer-ons and Pull-offs on Guitar
Hammer on’s and pull-offs are one of the most popular techniques to play on guitar. They can be quite tricky, so let’s break things down and master the elements of hammer-ons and pull-offs. In this article we will: Grab your guitar and let’s get started! Table of Contents What Are Hammer-ons? Hammer-ons are when we…
How to Make Chord Changes Easier on Guitar
Changing between chords can be challenging for any guitar player. No matter how long they have been playing. Below you will find strategies to make chord changes easier. These methods will improve your chord changes and make playing guitar more fun. Some of these strategies will work immediately, but not all chord changes are the…
Guitar Practice Routines for Beginner Guitar Players
One of the questions I often hear from folks who are new to playing guitar is “What should I practice?” It’s a valid question. After all, a lot of guitarists are self-teaching with little to no guidance on how to learn to play guitar. In this article, I’ll break down the main elements of a…
How to Keep a Practice Journal for Guitar
No matter where we are in our guitar-playing journey, it is a great idea to keep track of our practice. That’s where a practice journal comes in. We can use a practice journal to write about what we practiced, how long we practiced, or anything else we want to keep track of. It doesn’t matter…
How to Warm Up to Play Guitar
Warming up to practice guitar is one of the best habits we can develop as guitarists. In this tutorial, we are going to cover some of the basic elements that make up a good guitar warm-up. You can start by using this basic routine and then move forward and develop your own. Doing the same…
How to Play Guitar With Less Left-Hand Pressure
Have you ever finished up a practice session and noticed that your left hand is feeling tired and achy? Or even worse, hand pain? One of the usual suspects is applying too much pressure with the left hand. As guitarists, we apply enough pressure to the guitar fretboard that we risk injuring our fingers. The…
Improve Your Left-Hand Accuracy on Guitar With This Simple Exercise
In this tutorial, we are going to learn an exercise that will improve our left-hand finger placement so that scales, hammer-ons, pull-offs, and chords can be played with more accuracy. This is a great exercise if you are trying to improve your finger accuracy and finger independence, or trying to work on not muting other…